Comic Collecting Supplies – How to keep your books SUPER NICE

So way back in the day, there was not the huge amount of supplies to protect comics.  And the condition of older comics shows it.  The spine rolls from sitting flat on a shelf, the dust, the dirt, the wear.

But now – there are great options and you should be bagging and boarding your books and using some sort of vertical storage system.   Keep in mind that you don’t want storage bend so that board is crucial and if your books are not tight in your box (like you only have a half box) be sure to stuff the rest of the box with something like bubble wrap so it stays upright and safe.

Personally I prefer silver bags and boards for almost all books.  I use Golden Age bags and boards if needed and super valuable books I double up but I really don’t use modern bags and boards as they come so close to the edge.   You can of course use them, just keep them for your modern books only.  Don’t cut corners by using an undersized board with a big bag — remember you are trying to preserve your books so for the low price of a pack of boards, it just makes sense to use the right size board with every size of bags.

There are some super high end bags and boards — and lots of people like them — but at least use the basics.  For the basics I like BCW, they make all the sizes, they are easy to find and lots of dealers sell them so there is always a competitive price on them

Here are a few BCW ones that we use every day.

Let me know what you fave storage item is and I will add more of these so we can all share our info and protect our books!!